Cloud Security

IAM Services




In order to ensure a successful progression towards cloud adoption, it is imperative to integrate security considerations seamlessly into each phase of the journey.

We stand as your reliable ally, supported by certified expertise. We enable European businesses to develop and enhance their Identity and Access Management strategies, fostering growth and success

Governance is paramount post-AI, ensuring ethical and responsible utilization of advanced technology for a sustainable future.

Our RPO service transcends traditional approaches, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with personalized strategies to revolutionize talent acquisition, ensuring unparalleled success for your company.

Training is the linchpin in fortifying cybersecurity and AI, shaping adapt professionals to navigate the intricate landscapes of digital defense and innovation.

Empowering Cyber Security: 10+ Years of Pioneering Excellence in Cybersecurity Services.​

Our Cybersecurity Expertise

Our services encompass consulting, implementation, and managed services, ensuring comprehensive protection for your business throughout its entirety.

Cloud Security

At Commitoserv Consultants Private Limited, our Cloud Security Services Vertical ensures robust protection for data, applications, and infrastructure across cloud environments. We employ advanced technologies and proactive measures to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities, enabling clients to navigate the cloud securely and maintain compliance.

IAM Services

Our IAM Services Vertical specializes in delivering tailored Identity and Access Management solutions. From user lifecycle management to access governance and authentication mechanisms, we empower organizations to enhance security posture while optimizing operational efficiency.

Governance Services

The Governance Services Vertical assists organizations in establishing robust governance frameworks to oversee IT processes effectively. We provide strategic guidance, policy development, and compliance assessments to promote accountability, transparency, and regulatory compliance.

HR Services

At Commitoserv, our HR Services Vertical guarantees to be your top choice for HR excellence. Using a variety of services such as executive search, permanent staffing, contract-to-hire, freelancing, and RPO, we streamline your hiring process to meet your organization's specific needs, focusing on maximizing efficiency.

Our Services Domain

“We provide cybersecurity solutions that meet the transformative needs of clients worldwide.”

Banking & Finance​

Banking & Finance​

From the world's largest banks to fintec, we help financial organisiation to create secure and friction less services​


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Commitoserv secures engineering firms' assets and infrastructure against cyber threats, ensuring innovation and protection.​


Commitoserv secures healthcare and medtech firms, ensuring data integrity and compliance


Commitoserv protects connected vehicle systems for automotive manufacturers, ensuring safety and reliability.​



Commitoserv protects connected vehicle systems for automotive manufacturers, ensuring safety and reliability.​

Crafting a Robust Cloud Security Strategy:

Our 4-Step Approach
      Key Activities:
  1. Evaluate the organization’s current cloud security posture, examining existing measures and protocols.
  2. Determine the criticality of security controls by mapping them to workload sensitivity levels.
  3. Conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in cloud security.
      Key Output:
  • Summary report detailing the findings of the current cloud security evaluation.
  • Document illustrating the relationship between security controls and workload sensitivity.
  • Detailed assessment report providing insights into the organization’s cloud security posture and recommendations for enhancement.
      Key Activities:
  1. Define clear objectives and goals for enhancing cloud security, forming the target state.
  2. Identify gaps between the current and target states through a thorough gap analysis.
  3. Utilize cloud security maturity assessment tools or frameworks to evaluate the organization’s current maturity level.
  4. Prepare a strategic assessment report summarizing findings and outlining recommendations
      Key Output:
  • Clearly defined target state describing the desired future of cloud security.
  • Gap analysis report highlighting areas needing improvement.
  • Results from maturity assessment tools indicating the organization’s current maturity level.
  • Strategic assessment report providing insights and recommendations for enhancing cloud security posture.
      Key Activities:
  1. Develop project definitions and prioritize initiatives to improve cloud security.
  2. Create a roadmap outlining timelines, milestones, and dependencies for implementing recommended security projects.
  3. Develop a high-level plan and business case to justify investments in enhanced cloud security measures.
      Key Output:
  • Document outlining project definitions and prioritization based on their impact and alignment with business objectives.
  • Roadmap detailing timelines, milestones, and dependencies for implementing security projects.
  • High-level plan and business case document providing justification for investing in enhanced cloud security measures.
      Key Activities:
  1. Obtain approval for recommended security projects before proceeding with implementation.
  2. Provide guidance and support for the implementation process, ensuring smooth execution.
  3. Create Statements of Work (SOW) to outline project scope, deliverables, and timelines for implementation.
      Key Output:
  • Approval documentation for recommended security projects.
  • Support documentation to aid in the implementation process.
  • Statements of Work (SOW) defining project scope and deliverables for implementation teams.
      Key Activities:
  1. Evaluate the organization’s current cloud security posture, examining existing measures and protocols.
  2. Determine the criticality of security controls by mapping them to workload sensitivity levels.
  3. Conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in cloud security.
      Key Output:
  • Summary report detailing the findings of the current cloud security evaluation.
  • Document illustrating the relationship between security controls and workload sensitivity.
  • Detailed assessment report providing insights into the organization’s cloud security posture and recommendations for enhancement.
      Key Activities:
  1. Define clear objectives and goals for enhancing cloud security, forming the target state.
  2. Identify gaps between the current and target states through a thorough gap analysis.
  3. Utilize cloud security maturity assessment tools or frameworks to evaluate the organization’s current maturity level.
  4. Prepare a strategic assessment report summarizing findings and outlining recommendations
      Key Output:
  • Clearly defined target state describing the desired future of cloud security.
  • Gap analysis report highlighting areas needing improvement.
  • Results from maturity assessment tools indicating the organization’s current maturity level.
  • Strategic assessment report providing insights and recommendations for enhancing cloud security posture.
      Key Activities:
  1. Develop project definitions and prioritize initiatives to improve cloud security.
  2. Create a roadmap outlining timelines, milestones, and dependencies for implementing recommended security projects.
  3. Develop a high-level plan and business case to justify investments in enhanced cloud security measures.
      Key Output:
  • Document outlining project definitions and prioritization based on their impact and alignment with business objectives.
  • Roadmap detailing timelines, milestones, and dependencies for implementing security projects.
  • High-level plan and business case document providing justification for investing in enhanced cloud security measures.
      Key Activities:
  1. Obtain approval for recommended security projects before proceeding with implementation.
  2. Provide guidance and support for the implementation process, ensuring smooth execution.
  3. Create Statements of Work (SOW) to outline project scope, deliverables, and timelines for implementation.
      Key Output:
  • Approval documentation for recommended security projects.
  • Support documentation to aid in the implementation process.
  • Statements of Work (SOW) defining project scope and deliverables for implementation teams.

We Partners with Esteemed cloud services provider

Accelerate your cloud & security initiatives with the right consulting business partner

Our Comprehensive approach towards Identity and Access Management Solutions
      Key Activities:
  • Conduct initial kick-off activities and identify key stakeholders to be involved in meetings and workshops.
  • Create engagement plan and prepare assessment and communications material.
  • Schedule meetings and workshops through single point of contact at.
      Key Output:
  • Stakeholders validated
  • Initial assessment and communications material prepared
  • Meetings scheduled
       Key Activities:
  • Assess the current state and understand future plans for IAM and applications.
  • Conduct interviews to identify the major IAM related pain points and their business impact.
  • Understand the business context for IAM including overall strategic direction as well as opportunities for business processes improvements.
       Key Output:
  • Current State documented
  • Business requirements and strategy understood
       Key Activities:
  • Based on assessment output, identify broad IAM capability requirements and develop an as-is vs. to-be vision.
  • Define a set of target IAM processes and capabilities that have a link to business benefits and/or risk reduction.
  • Develop and propose a governance approach for IAM including key stakeholder involvement and responsibilities.
       Key Output:
  • IAM capability requirements and to-be vision identified

  • Target processes and capabilities defined

  • Governance approach developed
       Key Activities:
  • Prioritize IAM capabilities and identify and agree quick-win opportunities.
  • Develop a high-level execution plan that builds on the strategic output from the previous phase and includes any identified tactical measures.
  • Provide recommendation for a deployment plan for the IAM transformation initiative.
  • Brief key stakeholders on main outcomes and recommendations.
       Key Output:
  • IAM capabilities prioritized

  • Recommendation plan defined

  • Consolidated IAM Strategy & Roadmap report

      Key Activities:
  • Conduct initial kick-off activities and identify key stakeholders to be involved in meetings and workshops.
  • Create engagement plan and prepare assessment and communications material.
  • Schedule meetings and workshops through single point of contact at.
      Key Output:
  • Stakeholders validated
  • Initial assessment and communications material prepared
  • Meetings scheduled
       Key Activities:
  • Assess the current state and understand future plans for IAM and applications.
  • Conduct interviews to identify the major IAM related pain points and their business impact.
  • Understand the business context for IAM including overall strategic direction as well as opportunities for business processes improvements.
       Key Output:
  • Current State documented
  • Business requirements and strategy understood
       Key Activities:
  • Based on assessment output, identify broad IAM capability requirements and develop an as-is vs. to-be vision.
  • Define a set of target IAM processes and capabilities that have a link to business benefits and/or risk reduction.
  • Develop and propose a governance approach for IAM including key stakeholder involvement and responsibilities.
       Key Output:
  • IAM capability requirements and to-be vision identified

  • Target processes and capabilities defined

  • Governance approach developed

       Key Activities:
  • Prioritize IAM capabilities and identify and agree quick-win opportunities.
  • Develop a high-level execution plan that builds on the strategic output from the previous phase and includes any identified tactical measures.
  • Provide recommendation for a deployment plan for the IAM transformation initiative.
  • Brief key stakeholders on main outcomes and recommendations.
       Key Output:
  • IAM capabilities prioritized

  • Recommendation plan defined

  • Consolidated IAM Strategy & Roadmap report

Our domain experts carry fortifying experience in leading IAM Platforms

Rest Assured, while we may not be large entity, our firm stands as a dependable provider of IAM Services

IAM Strategy and Plan





Commitoserv initiates IAM strategy development with a crucial Preparation Phase. This involves launching the project, identifying key stakeholders, creating an engagement plan, and preparing assessment materials. Coordination is streamlined through a designated contact point. Outputs include a validated stakeholder list, ready assessment materials, and scheduled meetings, establishing a robust foundation for the strategy development process.
In the Strategy Phase, Commitoserv evaluates the current IAM status, conducts interviews to identify key pain points, and grasps the broader business context. Outputs include documented current state and clear understanding of business requirements and strategy.
In the Design Phase, Commitoserv identifies IAM capability needs, defines target processes linked to business benefits, and develops a governance approach involving key stakeholders. Outputs include identified IAM requirements, defined processes, and established governance.
In the Implement Phase, Commitoserv prioritizes IAM capabilities, devises an execution plan, offers deployment recommendations, and briefs stakeholders. Outputs include prioritized capabilities, a recommendation plan, and a Consolidated IAM Strategy & Roadmap report, guiding implementation.
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Take your business to its height by having ISO 27001 Accreditation: Commitoserv's 4-Step Solution
      Key Activities:
  • Initiation and Planning
  • Management Commitment: Obtain management support and commitment for implementing ISO 27001.

  • Define Scope: Determine the scope of the ISMS, including the boundaries, assets, and processes to be covered.

  • Assemble Team: Form a cross-functional team with representatives from relevant departments.

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a risk assessment to identify and evaluate information security risks to the organization’s assets.

  • Define Policies: Develop information security policies, objectives, and procedures aligned with the organization’s objectives.

  • Create Project Plan: Develop a project plan outlining tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required for implementation.
       Key Activities:
  • Implementation

  • Training and Awareness: Provide training to employees about information security awareness and their roles and responsibilities.

  • Document Control: Establish procedures for creating, updating, and controlling documents and records related to the ISMS.

  • Implement Controls: Implement security controls to mitigate identified risks, based on Annex A of ISO 27001, which provides a list of control objectives and controls.

  • Incident Management: Develop procedures for reporting, investigating, and responding to information security incidents.

  • Access Control: Implement access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to information and resources.

  • Supplier Management: Implement processes for assessing and managing security risks associated with suppliers and third parties
       Key Activities:
  • Monitoring and Review
  • Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the ISMS and compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.

  • Management Review: Hold regular management reviews to evaluate the performance of the ISMS, identify areas for improvement, and make decisions regarding changes or updates.

  • Performance Measurement: Establish metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of information security controls and processes.

  • Corrective Actions: Take corrective actions to address any non-conformities identified during audits or reviews.
       Key Activities:
  • Continual Improvement
  • Management of Change: Establish procedures for managing changes that may impact the ISMS, such as changes in technology, processes, or regulations.

  • Continual Improvement: Continuously monitor and review the ISMS to identify opportunities for improvement and implement necessary changes.

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.

  • Training and Awareness: Provide ongoing training and awareness programs to keep employees informed about information security best practices and updates to the ISMS.

      Key Activities:
  • Initiation and Planning
  • Management Commitment: Obtain management support and commitment for implementing ISO 27001.

  • Define Scope: Determine the scope of the ISMS, including the boundaries, assets, and processes to be covered.

  • Assemble Team: Form a cross-functional team with representatives from relevant departments.

  • Risk Assessment: Conduct a risk assessment to identify and evaluate information security risks to the organization’s assets.

  • Define Policies: Develop information security policies, objectives, and procedures aligned with the organization’s objectives.

  • Create Project Plan: Develop a project plan outlining tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and resources required for implementation.

       Key Activities:
  • Implementation

  • Training and Awareness: Provide training to employees about information security awareness and their roles and responsibilities.

  • Document Control: Establish procedures for creating, updating, and controlling documents and records related to the ISMS.

  • Implement Controls: Implement security controls to mitigate identified risks, based on Annex A of ISO 27001, which provides a list of control objectives and controls.

  • Incident Management: Develop procedures for reporting, investigating, and responding to information security incidents.

  • Access Control: Implement access controls to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to information and resources.

  • Supplier Management: Implement processes for assessing and managing security risks associated with suppliers and third parties

       Key Activities:
  • Monitoring and Review
  • Internal Audits: Conduct internal audits to assess the effectiveness of the ISMS and compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.

  • Management Review: Hold regular management reviews to evaluate the performance of the ISMS, identify areas for improvement, and make decisions regarding changes or updates.

  • Performance Measurement: Establish metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of information security controls and processes.

  • Corrective Actions: Take corrective actions to address any non-conformities identified during audits or reviews.

       Key Activities:
  • Continual Improvement
  • Management of Change: Establish procedures for managing changes that may impact the ISMS, such as changes in technology, processes, or regulations.

  • Continual Improvement: Continuously monitor and review the ISMS to identify opportunities for improvement and implement necessary changes.

  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 27001 requirements.

  • Training and Awareness: Provide ongoing training and awareness programs to keep employees informed about information security best practices and updates to the ISMS.

Our proficiency lies in the implementation of governance frameworks

Stay ahead of global compliance mandates with a trusted consulting partner by your side.

Check out our client's testimonials about us​

Narinder Kumar
Narinder Kumar
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"Commitoserv Consultant Pvt Ltd is an organization with a solid foundation and commitment. The organization truly lives the name commitment. We have been associated with Commitoserv for almost more than 5 years for recruitment and consulting services to our organization. The employee goes a step beyond to provide value to end customers. The team has always been professional and ethical in their engagements."
Sumit Varma
Sumit Varma
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"The best thing about Commitoserv Consultancy is that they are always responsive to any query that I have, they keep me informed and understand what we are trying to achieve. To add value for end users, the employee goes above and above. In all of their interactions, the team has always acted with ethics and professionalism. Their ability to provide flexibility to cater new and emerging situations is highly appreciable."
Ashish Sharma
Ashish Sharma
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"Commitoserv has a great team that works with professionalism and has been a trusted partner for quite some time now. They have an understanding of assisting with our HR needs and have provided excellent solutions. They have supported us by establishing a talent pool and helped us in finding the right fit. Commitoserv is no less than the extension of our company and we look forward to this successful relationship."

One of our core belief is "customer success comes first".

Embark on a fully interactive digital journey with Commitoserv, ensuring comprehensive security every step of the way.