What is the difference between Commitoserv RPO service vs. traditional staffing agencies ?

The scope of traditional recruitment firms will be to source and place the candidate in the required role. Whereas an Commitoserv RPO provider takes ownership of the design and execution of the recruitment process which includes services such as:

  • Talent Engagement
  • Candidate Management
  • Strategic Sourcing
  • Compliance and Risk Management
  • Hiring Manager Engagement
  • Recruitment Analytics Support
  • Employer Brand Consultation
  • Vendor Partnering and Supply Chain Management
  • Workforce Planning
  • Early Careers/Graduate Recruitment
  • Pre-Employment Screening


  • If your organization is looking for more speed, agility and flexibility in your recruiting processes
  • If you are looking to improve the quality of candidates applying to your positions or struggle to attract the right talent
  • If your organization is looking for a more cost-effective and standardized recruiting process
  • If your organization’s current use of recruitment technology isn’t up to par and you are seeking a variety of digital upgrades specific to your organization’s recruiting objectives
  • If your organization is looking to increase diversity, Commitoserv can help you uncover new diverse talent recruitment sources and strategies


Commitoserv have all the possible technology that empower us to provide you best of services

  • Artificial intelligence that can identify top talent quickly and source strong passive and active candidates within seconds of an open job requisition.
  • Digital and social media recruitment marketing to reach candidates through customized ads, optimized job descriptions, personalized landing pages and career portals
  • Mobile application platforms that allows candidates to apply from any device at any time throughout the application, scheduling and screening process
  • Video interviews and digital assessments that cut days off the hiring process by using data analytics and machine learning to identify and rank the best candidates. This simplifies the screening process for candidates and hiring managers
  • Predictive analytics and machine learning to gain a better understanding of top talent behaviors and predict factors such as cultural fit, willingness to change companies and future tenure potential


To meet the challenges of 21st-century hiring, Commitoserv RPO services have added niche expertise, internal efficiency strategies and talent advisory solutions to their offerings to improve their client’s recruiting outcomes.

What’s more, Commitoserv RPO services frequently take on time-consuming, but necessary, recruiting activities such as sourcing and candidate engagement. This can free-up internal HR staff to focus on higher value activities.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Can Improve HR and Talent Recruiting Efficiency.

Along with providing critical support to your HR and recruiting teams, Commitoserv RPO services can also help you implement technology solutions that can improve candidate engagement and deploy targeted talent attraction campaigns.

Commitoserv RPO services have started including a wide range of value-added services in their offerings as well to meet the demand for proactive, innovative recruitment. When you partner with an Commitoserv RPO service, you also access:

  • Talent recruitment sourcing best practices and skills
  • Technology consultation and upgrades
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Passive candidate engagement
  • Industry-specific hiring expertise
  • Specialized focus on diversity or veteran recruiting

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Can Improve Your Recruitment Cost-Per-Hire

Every day a role goes unfilled, your organization loses productivity, which can lead to losses in revenue and profits. What’s more, inefficiencies in your organization’s hiring processes can result in lost revenue and more man-hours spent recruiting. And, if your organization hires the wrong person, you’ll spend even more time and money recruiting and training a replacement for the bad hire.

By streamlining and optimizing recruitment processes, improving the time-to-hire and retention rates, Commitoserv RPO services can increase your recruiting return on investment and deliver real cost savings to your bottom line.

On top of improving time-to-hire and employee retention, an Commitoserv RPO service can flex to meet your requirements. Your organization can scale the amount of work your Commitoserv RPO service performs to match your better manage your recruitment cost per hire needs and recruiting budget. When you have an increased demand for talent, an Commitoserv RPO service can promptly increase their scale to accommodate your needs. Of course, this also works the other way around as well: when there is less demand, you can scale down, saving on recruitment spend and avoiding layoffs during low demand periods.

Amplify Your Employer Brand with Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Your brand is an integral part of attracting talent to your organization as well as bolstering loyalty amongst your current employees. When properly developed, an employer brand engages the candidate’s mind and imagination and creates a sense of urgency or excitement about applying to an organization. So, when you engage an outside organization for recruitment services, you need to feel confident that your employer brand is in good hands.

An Commitoserv RPO service can help you amplify your employer brand by leveraging your established employer brand in targeted recruitment marketing campaigns. Utilizing job postings, social media posts, your career site and email campaigns, your Commitoserv RPO service will carry your carefully crafted employer brand to candidates, providing them with compelling reason apply to your open positions.

If your organization is looking to develop an employer brand from scratch or update your current one, your Commitoserv RPO service can provide you with employer branding services to complement your recruitment strategy ranging from creative support to full-scale employer value propositions (EVP) development.

By taking a consultative and measured approach to the development of your employer brand, your Commitoserv RPO service will arm you with the tools you need to increase applications, attract the right candidates and boost employee retention rates.

If your organization is looking to develop an employer brand from scratch or update your current one, your Commitoserv RPO service can provide you with employer branding services to complement your recruitment strategy ranging from creative support to full-scale employer value propositions (EVP) development.

By taking a consultative and measured approach to the development of your employer brand, your Commitoserv RPO service will arm you with the tools you need to increase applications, attract the right candidates and boost employee retention rates.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing Can Improve Your Candidate Experience

Poor candidate experience is usually a result of lack of engagement and communication between candidates and an employer. An Commitoserv RPO service can provide the much-needed “human” touch by leveraging dedicated resources and technology to positively engage candidates at every step of the recruiting process.

An Commitoserv RPO service’s team is comprised of expert and experienced recruiters who have regular conversations with candidates, answer their questions and keep the candidates engaged and informed throughout each step of the recruitment process. These conversations can serve a dual purpose of highlighting the benefits of the opportunity to the candidate, while also gauging the ‘fit’ of the candidate for the organization.

Although every candidate considered for a role won’t get hired, it’s important for candidates to leave the hiring process with a positive experience. As much as Commitoserv RPO services are known for their adeptness at hiring, they are also experts at tactfully and considerately dispositioning candidates as well. In fact, knowing exactly how to disposition candidates in a compassionate and caring manner is one of the most important functions an RPO carries out on behalf of a client.

Candidates that feel like they had a bad experience during the recruiting process are more likely to besmirch your organization’s reputation, which in turn is bad for your employer brand. By treating candidates with respect and providing consistent, transparent and honest feedback, an Commitoserv RPO service can help keep your reputation sterling.

Commitoserv RPO service can also provide you with innovative talent technology solutions that balance human expertise with automation, enabling better candidate engagement.

What do you need for successful engagement of our RPO service

The most important key to successfully engaging us for our services is to have a clear understanding of what your organization is trying to achieve.

One thing to keep in mind on your RPO journey: RPO engagements are not only about outsourcing your recruiting, they are also about finding the best partner to help manage the people, process, technology and strategy of your talent acquisition function.

we can help you reach there. Get in touch with our consultant who will further guide you each steps.

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